Our Kitchen Garden

Our garden is based in North Oxfordshire just outside the town of Banbury. Since moving into our home in 2021 we have been developing the the mature and overgrown garden into a space to relax, play and grow our own fruit and vegetables.

We wanted a space to share our progress and the ups and downs as we develop the garden. 2024 was rather tricky with a cold and damp growing year bringing in slugs to eat our crops. Hopefully, 2025 will be a little better.

For the kitchen side of things, we shall post our favourite recipes using the food harvested from the garden.

  • January – A new gardening year begins

    January – A new gardening year begins

    A new year has arrived. Although the garden slumbers in the winter, there are signs of life everywhere. Spring bulbs are growing, even though I feel it is too early for them. In November, garlic and onions were planted in two raised beds, and they are growing well so far through this winter. However, I…

  • Welcome to our Kitchen Garden

    Welcome to our Kitchen Garden

    We moved into our lovely home in north Oxfordshire in June 2021. Over the last couple of years, we have been getting to know the garden, and in the last year, we have begun reworking it to accommodate our needs for playing, relaxing, and growing our own vegetables. In the past year, we have begun…